Ok, as I progress through catching up with my art, I may as well info dump some things on my original characters along with the worlds they are in just for some clarity and context as to what is canon to what and what exactly is happening within the world they are present in. Maybe I'll make some separate blogs that go into more deep detail about them, but for now I'll just drop the basics as discretely as I can.

"Dodge This" - Dodge This is a series that takes place within a highschool of Haunatuning High featuring Clancy Rogers and Whitney Skerla. Whitney Skerla is a 16 year old, extremely competitive dodgeball leader, adamant on improving her team and her way of doing that is persuading Clancy, an 18 year old relaxed, apathetic senior who just so happened to beat her and her own teammates at a game due to his incredible reaction time, only Whitney's 'persuading' is more physical than Clancy would like. Upon denying her request to join her team and to reconsider the offer, Whitney didn't take no for an answer and commanded her teammates to chase after him in an attempt to force him to join through these chases. Using his precise intuition and surprising flashy movements, Clancy ran throughout the school halls, dodging hallway attractions, passing by students and a very aggressive dodgeball team. Ever since this first interaction, which was shut down by both Clancy's friends and a teacher, the two held grudges to one another, with Whitney competitively antagonizing him frequently and Clancy growing resentful and judgmental, trying to shy away from the spiteful interactions, ironically resulting in constant interactions, events, and mishaps to occur. To think that this all happened merely because Clancy simply said "No," to Whitney.

"Code-V" - Code-V features 2 specific characters, Cody and Vark. Cody is a senior highschooler rapidly approaching graduation along with his childhood friend, Aliza. However, a roadblock is thrown into his path after a vacation trip to a video game industry goes sour. After admittedly sneaking into a classified section of the building where a WIP of a game is being play tested, Cody's gameplay is met with the consequence of having Vark, the villain of the in development game, gaining sentience and wanting freedom, invade his body, permanently bonding them together into a symbiotic being. What makes it even worse is that Vark isn't just a villain, he is a DANGEROUS one. He thrives off violence, death, and destruction. Something that Cody doesn't want. After this vile intrusion of his life, both of them come to terms in having to work together and admittedly, Vark allows Cody to have the say on what Vark is and isn't allowed to do, if he can help himself, as it was Cody's body and world that Vark decided to invade to escape the confines of his video game prison.

"The Construct Lands" - The Construct Lands is my biggest and most passionate personal series and universe I have been developing for the past maybe 2 years, featuring Rook as the center protagonist of it all. The Construct Lands is philosophical story masked underneath a beautiful alternate reality/universe that thrives off my creative influence, completely mixed together in a complex yet perfectly functioning ecosystem. It serves as a sort of hostile paradise and is full of both physical creatures and characters reminiscent of stories and of original creation and traditional fauna living in the corresponding locations and districts. Its entire existence is of thought out original fauna, flora, and rules with some remnants of traditional world elements but engaged in a brand new environment that sits on the edge of fantasy, but with a hint of reason and logistics, or sometimes outright unexplained. Stuck on the verge of feeling like a fantasy, but still grounded in reality. A world and universe that feels like a dream, one that remains lucid and yet that you cannot wake up from. It exists due to my sheer creative fun of making my own entire universe, and the Construct Lands thrives on it through my influence.

"Spitfire" - Spitfire stars 2 brotherly characters, one of whom is a robot found and repaired after years of neglect in an abandoned garden shed. Liam Cunningham is a gifted robotics student and frequently tinkers in electronical experimentation and general robotics. This comes in extra handy coincidence when a yard sale shopping spree with his mom leads him to discovering an abandoned, sentient robot in the shed of one of the yards sales. After admittedly stealing him, Liam repairs him, even giving him a brand new design to look more appealing, even with the robots aid in his new looks. It was because of this, Spit was brought to true light and properly introduced to Liam's mother, who, although skeptical at first, opened up to having this older brother to Liam. Though, the school now hears of Liam's triumph and actually wishes for Spit to visit some day. This could be fine on it's own, but there is one small problem. Spit overheats. A lot and extremely badly. This was one of the things Liam couldn't really repair but only work around with the appendages that hang behind Spits head. But even still, this overheating can be damaging as once his body reaches critical on how much overheat it can support, all of that built up energy gets discharged into one, damaging shockwave.
That about covers the basics of my main series' and what my art circulates around them. I hope this gives enough context that it is easily digestible, but also gives enough explanation to what happens within these worlds and stories.