I'm a day late, but that's okay.
When I started the year, my goal was to have it finished and published... which of course never happened and even a day later making that declaration I realized just how insane of a goal that was, lol. But the progress of where it started at the beginning of the year to now is still exponential. At the beginning of 2024, not even the PLOT was fully conceived and now here I am having currently written more than HALF of the first draft (with some varying gaps in previous chapters) and have officially developed an art style for it. That is actually incredible progress, especially balancing work at the beginning of the year and adjusting to living on campus at college.
So, a toast.
Both in celebration of the new years and me reaching more than the halfway point of the first draft of the novel, I am officially sharing CHAPTER 13 of the first draft from REVIVIFIED!
"Step in the slippers of Niko's mother, Ari Myers, as one of his artistic creations manifests to reality with a supernatural agenda and a scornful malice as she pivots through a house betraying her own trust and safety as she scavenges the necessary items for their fight against them while still maintaining a plausibility of escape."
Do keep in mind with this being from the first draft, things are subject to change and that nothing is final!
Have a happy new years guys and a fantastic 2025! Here's to a new year of whatever is thrown at us!